Clean Virginia
Case Study
2023 General Election
13 Candidates.
9 Wins.
21 Landing Pages.
216 Videos.
210 Statics and Banners.
The 2023 General Election quickly became an intensely competitive field, driving Clean Virginia to approach our team with a large ask: a full electoral support program with candidate-specific landing pages, two full message treatments, and Spanish mirror assets to ensure the victory of anti-corruption, clean energy-focused champions. Our team got organized, got to work, and got wins for Clean Virginia’s targeted races.

Using Polling to Craft Individualized Messages Around a Common Theme
Prior to diving into the creative elements of this program, our team closely collaborated with Clean Virginia and their polling firm to ensure we were testing laser-sharp messages that would move voters in the Digital space. We landed on affordability and reducing corporate influence as our most motivating themes, and then used each candidate’s personal narrative to directly connect their campaign to the issues that voters indicated were most important.
Website Visits Generated

Custom Landing Pages
We created 21 custom landing pages for each of the candidates supported by Clean Virginia Fund, with English and Spanish versions.

Where We Served Ads
In total, we served nearly 15 million ads, reaching 65,498 key voters 21 times each on Facebook alone. We had an average of 4,255 clicks to each candidate’s website and 3,194 total likes, comments, and share engagements. Due to our high-value media mix, we saw significantly lower CPMs than projected, allowing our client to achieve maximum results at an incredible value.
The Digital Ad Landscape

About Clean Virginia
Clean Virginia is an independent advocacy organization with an associated PAC – Clean Virginia Fund – that seeks to advance clean government and clean energy by fighting utility monopoly corruption in Virginia politics. The political arm of Clean Virginia supports candidates who have a demonstrable commitment to affordable clean energy and who will not accept money from the utilities they are tasked with regulating.
There are two types of vendors. Some vendors make my job harder, and some make it easier - and COMPETE is definitely one of the latter. They helped us execute an excellent, sprawling, complicated campaign for over a dozen candidates. Our stakeholders, and elected officials we work with, are very happy with the impact our work with COMPETE has had.

Clean Virginia