Clean Virginia
Case Study

2022 Action Campaign

Electric utility monopoly Dominion Energy requested Virginians pay higher profits even when it owed customers over $1 billion in overcharges. To stop this profit grab, Clean Virginia needed to generate customer outrage and channel it towards state regulators during a public comment period. COMPETE was brought in to run a social media advocacy campaign to do just that.

What We Did

Crafted social media “action packs” and optimized landing pages to maximize citizen contacts

We deployed two separate series of ads that rallied and then directed outraged Virginians to a landing page with an embedded petition. While the primary focus of this campaign was to submit comments in opposition to the profit grab, we also used this opportunity to influence lawmakers in key districts during Virginia’s 2021 election season. Clean Virginia wanted to prioritize constituents in the districts of persuadable state senators who had refused to clean up Dominion Energy’s corrupt practices. We used sophisticated targeting methods and conversion data to reach Virginians with optimized ad content that generated the maximum number of actions from the budget (want to see an example of a landing page? email us to find out more).

Total Citizen Submissions​
Refunded to Dominion Customers​
$ 0 million
Clean energy Champions Endorsed​
0 Candidates

Where We Served Ads

In total, we served nearly 15 million ads, reaching 65,498 key voters 21 times each on Facebook alone. We had an average of 4,255 clicks to each candidate’s website and 3,194 total likes, comments, and share engagements. Due to our high-value media mix, we saw significantly lower CPMs than projected, allowing our client to achieve maximum results at an incredible value.

About Clean Virginia

Clean Virginia is an independent advocacy organization with an associated PAC – Clean Virginia Fund – that seeks to advance clean government and clean energy by fighting utility monopoly corruption in Virginia politics. The political arm of Clean Virginia supports candidates who have a demonstrable commitment to affordable clean energy and who will not accept money from the utilities they are tasked with regulating.

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